Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Summer Ends

To begin our summer, Sabre and Carrie came for James' Mission Farewell. It was an important time for our family. We were glad to have family and friends visit. After James left for the MTC we did our visiting with Sabre. The highpoint of her visit had to be our annual campout at Willard Bay. This year was different because Sabre and Christina put up the tent and made camp by themselves.

After Sabre's visit, Bekkie, Joey, Trevor and Gavin came for a visit from Oklahoma. We had a celebration for Trevor's birthday that Saturday Pizza night. The next day we went to church and on Monday we left for the cabins for two weeks. After the cabins we did lots of fun things with the grandchildren. Chantelle took the kids swimming, camping, rodeoing and to Freedom Riders. Katie took them to Farmers Market and the zoo. Stacy and Allan met us for the Drive in movie. We just had so much fun with pizza nights. But all good things come to an end. Trevor and Gavin went home. The carefree days of summer are gone and now we are preparing for a new school year. Thanks to all of you that made it a wonderful summer!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Sounds like it was a full- and fun- summer. Wish I could've been there for some of it.

I am very proud of you for getting posts up on your own! I knew you could do it. :)