Monday, September 1, 2008

Plans for Sept. 6, Grandma and Grandpa's Birthday

The whole extended family is meeting to celebrate Grandma and Grandpa Joos' birthdays. You are all invited to:

Mountain Ridge Assisted Living (Jennifer Ronnow's Work place)
Upstairs above lobby in Social Room at 6:00pm

We will be having pizza and the food is assigned as follows:

Ronnow Family--Bring Pizza Ingredients (call me for what to bring.)
Pitcher Family--Cake
Wright Family--Ice cream
Tobert Family--Soda Pop

If your family is not listed with a food assignment it is because they were not given a food assignment, but we still want to see you. If you have questions call me. Please come.

1 comment:

stacy said...

we will be there. so am i not supposed to bring soda? let me know what i should bring for the pizzas.